Saturday, April 29, 2006

Chalked Edges

How to get a chalked edge to your papers, tags, etc

1. Have your paper or item on a layer by itself
2. Go to your layer paletter (where you have all your layers with boxes and eyes
3. At the bottom, you will see a on that
4. select the inner glow option
5. choose your color
6. Under Elements, make sure the edge is selected. (you can make the chalking thicker by playing with the choke and size sliders)
7. Play with the opacity and noise to get the desired effect

how to install brushes and filters

How to install brushes

1. Download and unzip the brushes file:

2.Right click on the .abr file within the brushes folder you've just unzipped copy

4. now go to my computer>local disk (c:)>program files>adobe>your version (mine says Photoshop 7.0).>presets (open this folder)

5. right click on brushes and select paste.

Now go into Photoshop

1. Select brush tool
2. click arrows pointing to the right at the top
3. select load brushes
4. go to whree you just saved your brush and click it


For Filters

How to install filters/plug-ins

1. Download and unzip the file:

2.Right click on it copy

4. now go to my computer>local disk (c:)>program files>adobe>your version (mine says Photoshop 7.0).>plugins (open this folder)

5. right click on filters and select paste.

you might have to restart photoshop for them to show up.

How to zip up a file

A couple of you have asked me how to zip files and send them to me. Here is a little tut.

1) Download and install winzip (You can get it Here)

2) go to where your file is that you want to zip. Right click on an empty (white) spot and click new, then Winzip file. A new file should open up looking like this (mine has little drawer on the yellow part). Now name that what you want it to be. sample: Oct05_Raksexchange_quickpages_my2boys

3)Now. Click on the file you want to zip. Drag it to your new winzip file and drop it in. Use evaluation version if it asks. Now click add. That should be it! You have a zipped file. If you hover the mouse pointer over the zipped file it should tell you what files are in there.

4) now go to your email. Attach the zipped file and send it off.

tah dah!

How to make ric rac

1. Make new file 1" high by 12" wide.
2. Choose your color you want.
3.Use your square shape to make a rectangle 1/2" high by 12" wide.
4. Filter>distort>wave. With these settings: # of generators 10, wavelength min 99 max 99, amplitude 10 min 34 max, scale 100% for both, make sure "sine" is checked on the right hand side and also repeat pixel edges. Click ok.

From here you can add texture, filters, noise, stroked edges or bevels.